Putting the Real Estate Syndication Pieces Together | Launching Syndications

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You’ve done it! You’ve re-entered, you’re back on Earth. You’ve completed this and it’s all done! We started on the launch pad, putting our structure in place, getting our Founder Investment Theory done, and learning about underwriting

Then we lifted off. We went through all the different things that were necessary before we started latching investors – things like choosing which SEC exemption (probably a Regulation D exemption) we’re going to use, going through the parts of the PPM and the operating agreement, and the subscription agreement. As soon as you have investors, and you’re marketing the property, getting that investment out to the world. Then as you start latching them, you’re finally ready to close the investment

Now you’re in orbit, circling around and doing investor communications, asset management, property management, and making distributions… until at some point, you think maybe this is a good time to sell

Once you make that decision to sell, you’re now on re-entry. You got the vote, you made your final distributions, and you closed the deal

You have everything that you need. You can see the forest through the trees, understanding the system comprehensively.


Are you ready to get started with your own syndication and need a private placement memorandum? Moschetti Law Group is a real estate syndication law firm and we’d be happy to meet with you to put together your Reg D PPM from a syndication attorney and guide you through the process of launching your own offering.

Table of Contents

Previous: Reentry Of Your Real Estate Syndication | Winding Up the Real Estate Syndication

You Are Here: Putting it Together

Next: Getting it Done

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